We look forward to meeting you!
You are invited to our Bible-based services (10:45 am).
1501 17th Ave S
Fargo, ND 58103
Available at First Baptist:
All are welcome!
¨ Bible Study: 9:30 am ~ Adult Class meets in the Fellowship Hall, studying the Journey Guide.
Children’s Sunday School as teacher/students are present.
¨ Worship Service: 10:45 am (Includes Children’s church called Kids Korner, as the leader & children are present.)
¨ Fellowship Time: After the service, join us for coffee, conversation & treat time in our Fellowship Hall.
Events and Announcements
Join us with the events that are listed:
Have questions? Not baptized and want to be? Contact Pastor Luis or one of the deacons: Scott Bauer, or Elson K. for more info. firstbaptistfargo@gmail .com
Coffee Time Sign-up sheet: Please sign up to provide treats or donate money for treats used for fellowship time after service. This is a great time to "Meet & Greet" each other!
¨ Our outreach for New Life Center - The men need: Tee shirts, Pepto Bismol/Imodium, antacid tablets, Kleenex, disinfecting wipes, beef base/broth, & pancake syrup. Please bring the items and put them in the basket up front by the baptistry to be donated each month.
¨ I Can! Project: (1/29/25): We have donated 3809 lbs. of food so far…! Let’s try to increase that even more. Next time you shop, grab a couple of the non-perishable food items to bring and put them in our shopping cart in the foyer to donate! ~ Examples: Tuna & chicken (Canned meats), soup, vegetables, beans, peanut butter, jelly, pasta, pasta sauce, cereal, crackers, mac & cheese; Health items: soap, lotion, toothbrush/paste, deodorant, shampoo, etc
Calendar of FBC events:
Men’s “33” study: the 4th series at 9am every Saturday except first Saturday when Men’s breakfast is scheduled (See below). All men are welcome! Bring a friend!
ABMen will meet at Deaner’s Diner in West Fargo, Saturday, April 5th, 2025 @ 9am. All men are welcome; Bring a friend! Talk to Jack Kist or Scott Bauer, if you have questions.
~ Check weekly for updates or new announcements and join us on Sunday for service! We'd love to meet you!