September 14, 2024, 11:04 PM
#JesusDiedForUs, #NewLife

Have you ever had a dream or sensation that you were falling? It is a weird feeling when our bodies react and jerk us awake. We do not usually like the feeling. We lay there and wonder for a couple of seconds on what happened. Sometimes, it is hard to fall asleep again for a bit.

Falling dreams are usually about fear, anxiety, or feeling unsupported. God is here for us and when that old devil tries to rattle us, we just need to remember that God is always here for us.


Romans 8:31, which states: "What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" It essentially means that if God is on our side, no one or nothing can successfully oppose us.

Key points about this verse: 

  • Confidence in God's power:

    This verse is meant to instill confidence in believers that even when facing challenges, God's support is greater than any opposition. 

  • Unconditional love:

    The idea is that God's love for us is unwavering, so no matter what difficulties arise, we can rely on His presence. 

  • Spiritual warfare:

    In a broader context, this verse can be interpreted as a declaration against spiritual forces that might try to hinder our faith. 

(AI overview - Google search) 


The AI overview says it so much clearer than I can tell you.

Believe and have Jesus in your heart.