June 15, 2024, 10:00 PM

Father's Day is a day to honor our Fathers (as Mother's Day is for Mothers). It is an honor bestowed upon a parent...and yes, they deserve it. When you are a parent, you never stop worrying about your children. Your child(ren) has loved you a long time but you have loved them their whole life. Now I know that there are times when you might not "like" them (more so the things they've done), but as their parent, you have loved them always.

Our Lord God feels the same. There may be or have been times that He has not liked what we as His children have done, but, never think that because of our bad behaviors, He does not love us! He sent His only Son to die for our bad ways and He wants to have a loving relationship with YOU! He will always love you, even if you turn from Him. If this is where you are at, know that God wants you back. Come back to His loving arms.