• 2 Thessalonians 3:3
  • 1 Chronicles 16:34


We look forward to meeting you!

You are invited to our Bible-based services (10:45 am).

1501 17th Ave S

Fargo, ND 58103



Available at First Baptist:          

All are welcome!

¨ Bible Study: 9:30 am  ~ Adult Class meets in the Fellowship Hall, studying the Journey Guide.

           Children’s Sunday School as teacher/students are present.

¨ Worship Service: 10:45 am (Includes Children’s church called Kids Korner, as the leader & children are present.)

¨ Fellowship Time: After the service, join us for coffee, conversation & treat time in our Fellowship Hall.



  • Events and Announcements

    Join us with the events that are listed:


         Have questions? Not baptized and want to be? Contact Pastor Luis or one of the deacons: Kim Miller or Scott Bauer, for more info.   firstbaptistfargo@gmail .com

    New Life Center’s men's outreach November needs:

    Winter gloves & hats, all sizes of men’s long underwear, cough drops, tee-shirts of any size and color, Multi-symptom Cold & Flu capsules (alcohol-free), assorted pies, 10 lb. cans of vegetables, molasses.

    Please bring the items and put them in the basket up front by the baptistry and they will be donated each month.


    Calendar of FBC events:

    11/24: FBC Council meeting

    11/30: Hanging of the Greens (decorate the church) @10am to decorate for the Holiday season!      

    12/01: Communion Sunday 10:45 am

    12/07: Secret Sister Reveal party at 10 am at Kristi Schultz's house. Save the Date! 

    12/11: Christmas party! All are welcome! More info to come.

    12/24: Christmas Eve service. All are welcome! More info to come.


    ~ Check weekly for updates or new announcements and join us on Sunday for service! We'd love to meet you!